Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Counting the Days

Yes, it appears as though this has become a one-post-per-month blog. Buuuuuut I can't help it. I've been stuck on going to Argentina, yes? And I have school work and work work, etc etc--- you get the picture.

So. My latest discovery actually isn't all that recent. I found it about a month ago while researching a paper I was writing for my Japanese history class (yes, I am aware that I get easily distracted). And while I would love to go on and on about the island of Ishigaki, http://www.ishigaki-japan.com/, and the adorable little beach houses for rent, it is also appropriate to consider recent events. The earthquakes and subsequent tsunamis of March 11, 2011 inflicted major damages on the peoples of the Pacific, specifically on the country of Japan. While I would love to revisit this topic of travel, I think it is appropriate as of now to pray for the people affected by this disaster and to do all that we can to help. I will attach some helpful links.